2006年1月20日 星期五

最愛Ella & Louis 1



四、五年前買的The Complete Ella & Louis on Verve,是我心情不好或亟需放鬆的時候常拿出來播放的一組,這首綠色奇蹟中出現的Cheek To Cheek最為可愛,Ella 與 Louis兩人皆具強烈的節奏感及喜樂感染力,讓聆聽其演唱的人皆能夠感受兩人強韌的生命力,你也許也可以像我ㄧ樣,一邊舞動著久未活動的身軀,一邊在深夜時分為自己醞釀一整晚的浪漫。

Cheek To Cheek       Disc One Track 9

Heaven, I'm in Heaven,
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak;
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
When we're out together dancing, cheek to cheek.

Heaven, I'm in Heaven,
And the cares that hang around me thro' the week
Seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak
When we're out together dancing, cheek to cheek.

Oh! I love to climb a mountain,
And to reach the highest peak,
But it doesn't thrill me half as much
As dancing cheek to cheek.

Oh! I love to go out fishing
In a river or a creek,
But I don't enjoy it half as much
As dancing cheek to cheek.

Dance with me
I want my arm about you;
The charm about you
Will carry me thro' to Heaven

I'm in Heaven,
and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak;
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek

